Top 20 Green Hydrogen Companies of the World in 2023

As the world acknowledges the urgent need to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the spotlight has turned to green hydrogen as a game-changing solution. Green hydrogen companies are at the forefront of this revolutionary shift, spearheading the development, production, and application of this clean energy source.

In this comprehensive guide, we present the “Top 20 Green Hydrogen Companies of the World in 2023,” showcasing the trailblazers shaping the future of sustainable energy.

From industry giants with long-standing expertise to emerging players driving disruption, these green hydrogen companies represent the epitome of progress.

Through substantial investments in research and development, strategic partnerships, and cutting-edge infrastructure, they are propelling the transformation of multiple sectors, including transportation, energy generation, and industrial applications.

Join us on this exploration of the “Top 20 Green Hydrogen Companies of the World in 2023,” as we delve into the remarkable achievements, groundbreaking technologies, and ambitious goals of these industry pioneers.

Discover how these companies are revolutionizing the way we produce and consume energy, championing a future built on clean, renewable, and sustainable green hydrogen.

1. Shell: Investing in a Green Future

As one of the world’s largest oil and gas companies, Shell has recognized the importance of transitioning to sustainable energy sources.

In line with this commitment, Shell has made significant strides in embracing green hydrogen as a key component of its future energy portfolio.

Shell has pledged to invest a substantial amount, a staggering $2 billion, in green hydrogen initiatives by 2030.

This investment demonstrates Shell’s dedication to driving innovation and technological advancements in the green hydrogen space.

By channeling substantial financial resources into research, development, and infrastructure, Shell aims to accelerate the commercial viability and widespread adoption of green hydrogen.

Shell’s investment plans include establishing strategic partnerships, developing new technologies, and building green hydrogen production facilities.

By collaborating with other industry leaders, research institutions, and governments, Shell seeks to leverage collective expertise and resources to unlock the full potential of green hydrogen.

2. Linde: Collaborating for Green Hydrogen

Linde, a leading industrial gas company, has been at the forefront of the green hydrogen revolution by actively collaborating with key players in the industry.

One notable partnership is their joint venture with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), aimed at advancing the production and utilization of green hydrogen.

Through this collaboration, Linde and MHI are combining their expertise and resources to develop innovative technologies and solutions for green hydrogen production.

The joint venture aims to leverage MHI’s extensive engineering capabilities and Linde’s vast experience in industrial gases to create scalable and efficient green hydrogen production facilities.

Linde’s contribution to green hydrogen production extends beyond their joint venture with MHI.

The company has been investing in research and development to improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of green hydrogen production processes.

They have also been actively involved in building infrastructure for hydrogen refueling stations and establishing supply chains for green hydrogen distribution.

3. Air Liquide: Leading the Industrial Gases Sector

Air Liquide, a global leader in the industrial gases sector, has established itself as a key player in the development and advancement of green hydrogen technologies.

With a diverse portfolio of innovative solutions, Air Liquide is at the forefront of accelerating the adoption of green hydrogen and driving its applications across various industries.

One of Air Liquide’s notable contributions to the green hydrogen landscape is its portfolio of cutting-edge technologies for green hydrogen production.

The company has developed advanced electrolysis processes that efficiently split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen using renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power.

These technologies enable the scalable and cost-effective production of green hydrogen, facilitating its integration into existing energy infrastructure.

Air Liquide’s expertise extends beyond production. The company has also developed comprehensive solutions for the storage, transportation, and distribution of green hydrogen.

This includes high-pressure storage systems, specialized containers, and logistics networks that ensure the safe and efficient delivery of green hydrogen to end-users.

4. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries: Scaling Up Green Hydrogen

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), a renowned Japanese engineering company, has been making significant strides in scaling up the production of green hydrogen.

One notable endeavor is their development of a large-scale green hydrogen production facility in Australia, showcasing their commitment to advancing the global green hydrogen market.

The Australian project aims to leverage the country’s abundant renewable energy resources, such as solar and wind power, to produce green hydrogen through electrolysis.

MHI’s expertise in engineering and project management plays a pivotal role in the successful implementation of this large-scale facility.

By utilizing its cutting-edge technologies and extensive knowledge, MHI is paving the way for the production of green hydrogen on a massive scale.

MHI’s contribution extends beyond this project, as the company is actively involved in research and development efforts to enhance the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of green hydrogen production processes.

5. Enel: Embracing Green Hydrogen in Italy

Enel, an Italian energy company, has embraced the potential of green hydrogen and is actively pursuing its adoption through a notable project in Sardinia.

This project highlights Enel’s commitment to promoting sustainable energy solutions and its vision for a greener future.

Enel’s green hydrogen project in Sardinia aims to leverage the region’s abundant renewable energy resources, particularly solar and wind power, to produce green hydrogen through electrolysis.

The project involves the installation of electrolyzers powered by renewable energy sources, which split water molecules to produce hydrogen without emitting harmful greenhouse gases.

By utilizing Sardinia’s renewable energy potential, Enel seeks to establish a sustainable and efficient green hydrogen production ecosystem.

The project’s scope includes the integration of energy storage solutions to ensure a consistent and reliable supply of green hydrogen, as well as the development of hydrogen refueling infrastructure to support its utilization in various sectors.

6. Siemens Energy: Driving Green Hydrogen Production

Siemens Energy, a German engineering company, is at the forefront of driving green hydrogen production through its innovative solutions and dedicated efforts towards sustainable energy solutions.

One notable initiative is their establishment of a green hydrogen production plant in Germany, showcasing their commitment to advancing the green hydrogen sector.

Siemens Energy’s green hydrogen production plant utilizes state-of-the-art electrolysis technology to convert renewable energy, such as solar and wind power, into green hydrogen.

The plant is designed to have a scalable and efficient operation, allowing for the production of green hydrogen at a large scale.

By harnessing their expertise in engineering and sustainable energy solutions, Siemens Energy is making significant strides in driving the production of green hydrogen.

Beyond their green hydrogen production plant, Siemens Energy is actively involved in various initiatives to promote sustainable energy solutions.

They invest in research and development to improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of electrolysis technologies, making green hydrogen production more economically viable.

Additionally, the company collaborates with partners across industries to develop integrated solutions that incorporate green hydrogen into various applications, including transportation, power generation, and industrial processes.

7. Hydrogenics: Powering the Future with Fuel Cells

Hydrogenics, a Canadian company specializing in hydrogen fuel cells, is playing a pivotal role in powering the future with its innovative solutions.

One notable partnership is their collaboration with Plug Power, a leading producer of fuel cell systems, to advance the use of green hydrogen in fuel cell vehicles.

Through its partnership with Plug Power, Hydrogenics aims to leverage its expertise in green hydrogen production to provide a sustainable fuel source for fuel cell vehicles.

Fuel cell vehicles use hydrogen fuel cells to generate electricity, emitting only water vapor as a byproduct, making them a cleaner alternative to traditional combustion engines.

Hydrogenics’ advanced hydrogen production technologies, coupled with Plug Power’s fuel cell systems, enable the development of efficient and eco-friendly transportation solutions.

Hydrogenics’ expertise in green hydrogen production extends beyond its partnership with Plug Power.

The company is at the forefront of developing advanced electrolysis technologies that efficiently split water molecules to produce green hydrogen.

By utilizing renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, Hydrogenics’ solutions enable the production of clean and sustainable hydrogen for various applications.

8. Plug Power: Revolutionizing Fuel Cell Systems

Plug Power, an American company is revolutionizing the field of fuel cell systems and making significant contributions to the advancement of green hydrogen production.

With its leadership in fuel cell technology, Plug Power is driving the transition toward cleaner and more sustainable energy solutions for both vehicles and stationary applications.

Plug Power is at the forefront of fuel cell technology, particularly in the development of fuel cell systems for vehicles.

Their innovative solutions power a wide range of applications, including material handling equipment, delivery vans, and even heavy-duty trucks.

In addition to their leadership in the mobility sector, Plug Power is actively involved in stationary applications that utilize fuel cell systems.

These applications include backup power systems for data centers, warehouses, and other critical infrastructure.

By providing reliable and clean power, Plug Power’s fuel cell systems offer an efficient alternative to traditional energy sources, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and minimizing the environmental impact.

9. Adani Green Energy: Renewable Power for Green Hydrogen

Adani Green Energy, an Indian company dedicated to renewable energy solutions, is actively involved in the development of a green hydrogen facility in Gujarat, India.

This initiative highlights Adani’s commitment to harnessing renewable power for the production of green hydrogen, paving the way for a sustainable energy future.

The green hydrogen facility in Gujarat will leverage Adani’s expertise in renewable energy, particularly solar and wind power, to generate the electricity required for electrolysis.

Adani’s commitment to renewable energy solutions goes beyond the development of the green hydrogen facility.

The company is a leader in the development and operation of large-scale solar and wind power projects in India and globally. Their extensive experience and investments in renewable power generation enable them to provide a reliable and sustainable energy supply for green hydrogen production.

10. Fortescue Future Industries: A Global Green Hydrogen Business

Fortescue Future Industries (FFI), an Australian company, has set ambitious goals in the field of green hydrogen production, establishing itself as a significant player in the global market.

With its commitment to sustainable energy solutions, FFI is driving the development of a robust and scalable green hydrogen industry.

FFI has laid out plans to become a global leader in green hydrogen production, aiming to produce a staggering 15 million tonnes of green hydrogen per year by 2030.

To achieve this, they are investing in large-scale renewable energy projects, such as solar and wind farms, to power their electrolysis facilities.

By harnessing Australia’s abundant renewable resources, FFI aims to create a sustainable and cost-effective green hydrogen supply chain.

11. Equinor: Pioneering Hydrogen Production in Europe

Equinor, a Norwegian oil and gas company, is at the forefront of pioneering hydrogen production initiatives in Europe.

Recognizing the importance of green hydrogen in decarbonizing the energy sector, Equinor is actively involved in advancing the adoption of this clean energy source.

Equinor has made significant strides in establishing hydrogen production projects in Europe.

Leveraging their expertise in energy production and distribution, the company is developing large-scale hydrogen production facilities that utilize renewable energy sources.

By combining their knowledge of offshore wind farms and electrolysis technology, Equinor aims to produce green hydrogen at an industrial scale, ensuring a sustainable and low-carbon energy supply.

Equinor’s initiatives extend beyond hydrogen production alone. They are actively involved in building the necessary infrastructure for hydrogen storage, transportation, and utilization. This includes developing hydrogen hubs and networks to enable the integration of green hydrogen into various sectors, such as transportation, industry, and power generation. Equinor’s efforts play a vital role in creating a comprehensive value chain for green hydrogen, ensuring its accessibility and widespread adoption.

12. TotalEnergies: Collaborative Approach to Green Hydrogen

TotalEnergies, a French oil and gas company, embraces a collaborative approach to advancing green hydrogen through its joint venture with Air Liquide.

By joining forces with Air Liquide, TotalEnergies demonstrates its commitment to sustainable energy solutions and the development of green hydrogen projects.

The joint venture between TotalEnergies and Air Liquide focuses on the development and production of green hydrogen.

TotalEnergies brings its extensive experience in the energy sector, while Air Liquide contributes its expertise in industrial gases and hydrogen technologies.

Together, they combine their resources, knowledge, and capabilities to accelerate the deployment of green hydrogen solutions.

TotalEnergies’ commitment to sustainable energy solutions extends beyond green hydrogen production alone.

They are actively involved in renewable energy projects, including solar and wind, to power their green hydrogen production facilities.

By integrating renewable energy sources into the hydrogen production process, TotalEnergies ensures that the hydrogen they produce is generated using clean and sustainable methods.

13. BP: Advancing Green Hydrogen Technologies

BP, a British oil and gas company, is actively advancing green hydrogen technologies through its diverse portfolio of initiatives.

Recognizing the potential of green hydrogen in decarbonizing the energy sector, BP is committed to driving innovation and playing a leading role in the development of this clean energy source.

BP’s portfolio of green hydrogen technologies encompasses various aspects of the hydrogen value chain.

They are engaged in research and development to enhance the efficiency and scalability of electrolysis, the process used to produce hydrogen from renewable energy sources.

BP aims to optimize electrolysis technologies, making them more cost-effective and reliable for large-scale deployment.

Furthermore, BP is exploring advanced storage and transportation solutions for green hydrogen.

They are investing in the development of hydrogen infrastructure, including pipelines and storage facilities, to ensure the efficient distribution of green hydrogen to end-users.

By addressing the challenges associated with storage and transportation, BP aims to facilitate the integration of green hydrogen into different sectors, such as transportation and industry.

14. OMV: Green Hydrogen Production in Austria

OMV, an Austrian oil and gas company, is making significant strides in green hydrogen production with its state-of-the-art facility in Austria.

With a commitment to sustainability and decarbonization, OMV is contributing to the development and growth of the green hydrogen market.

OMV’s green hydrogen facility in Austria is focused on producing hydrogen through electrolysis powered by renewable energy sources.

By utilizing renewable electricity, OMV ensures that the hydrogen generated in their facility is clean and emissions-free, thereby contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions in the energy sector.

The facility’s strategic location in Austria, which benefits from a favorable renewable energy landscape, enables OMV to harness the abundant supply of renewable resources like solar and wind power.

This positioning strengthens OMV’s capability to produce green hydrogen at scale, laying the foundation for a sustainable and reliable hydrogen supply.

OMV’s contribution to the green hydrogen market extends beyond production. They actively engage in research and development activities to improve the efficiency of hydrogen production technologies and explore innovative applications for green hydrogen.

By investing in R&D, OMV aims to unlock the full potential of green hydrogen and its role in decarbonizing various sectors, including transportation, industry, and power generation.

15. Chevron: Joint Ventures for Green Hydrogen

Chevron, an American oil and gas company, is actively engaged in green hydrogen initiatives through its collaborative efforts, particularly in joint ventures with partners like ExxonMobil.

Recognizing the importance of green hydrogen in the transition to a low-carbon future, Chevron is committed to driving innovation and sustainable solutions in the hydrogen sector.

The joint venture between Chevron and ExxonMobil aims to advance green hydrogen production and utilization.

By leveraging their combined expertise, resources, and technological capabilities, the companies are working together to develop and deploy innovative solutions for green hydrogen production.

Chevron is actively involved in green hydrogen production, exploring various technologies and methods to generate hydrogen using renewable energy sources.

They are investing in research and development initiatives to enhance the efficiency and scalability of green hydrogen production processes, making them more cost-effective and sustainable.

16. ExxonMobil: A Sustainable Future with Green Hydrogen

ExxonMobil, an American oil and gas company, is embracing a sustainable future by investing in green hydrogen production.

With a focus on reducing carbon emissions and advancing clean energy solutions, ExxonMobil is committed to playing a significant role in the development of green hydrogen technologies.

ExxonMobil’s green hydrogen production facility in Qatar stands as a testament to their commitment to sustainable energy.

The facility utilizes advanced technologies, including electrolysis powered by renewable energy sources, to produce green hydrogen.

ExxonMobil’s green hydrogen initiatives are part of their broader commitment to sustainable energy solutions.

They are actively investing in research and development activities to improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of green hydrogen production processes.

Through technological advancements, ExxonMobil aims to enhance the scalability and viability of green hydrogen, making it a more accessible and widespread clean energy option.

17. Praxair: Technological Advancements in Green Hydrogen

Praxair, an American industrial gas company, is at the forefront of technological advancements in green hydrogen production.

With a diverse portfolio of green hydrogen technologies, Praxair is playing a vital role in advancing the applications and adoption of this clean and sustainable energy source.

Praxair’s portfolio of green hydrogen technologies encompasses a range of innovative solutions for hydrogen production, storage, and utilization.

They have expertise in electrolysis, biomass gasification, and other cutting-edge methods that enable the efficient and cost-effective production of green hydrogen.

By continually refining and developing these technologies, Praxair is pushing the boundaries of what is possible in green hydrogen production.

One of the key areas where Praxair excels is in advancing the applications of green hydrogen. They are actively exploring and promoting the use of green hydrogen in various industries, including transportation, power generation, and industrial processes.

By developing tailored solutions for these sectors, Praxair is unlocking the potential of green hydrogen as a versatile and sustainable energy source.

18. Air Products and Chemicals: Leading Hydrogen Production

Air Products and Chemicals, a prominent American industrial gases company, has established itself as one of the world’s leading producers of hydrogen.

With a rich history in hydrogen production and a strong commitment to sustainability, Air Products and Chemicals is actively involved in advancing the production and utilization of green hydrogen.

As one of the leading producers of hydrogen, Air Products and Chemicals has extensive experience and expertise in hydrogen production technologies.

They employ a diverse range of methods, including steam methane reforming, electrolysis, and gasification, to produce hydrogen efficiently and reliably.

With a robust infrastructure and a global presence, they supply hydrogen to various industries, including refineries, chemical manufacturers, and energy producers.

19. Nel Hydrogen: Advancing the Hydrogen Industry

Nel Hydrogen, a leading global company in hydrogen production, is at the forefront of advancing the hydrogen industry and driving the adoption of green hydrogen.

With a strong commitment to sustainable energy solutions, Nel Hydrogen plays a vital role in advancing hydrogen technologies and applications.

Nel Hydrogen has made significant contributions to the green hydrogen market by developing innovative solutions for hydrogen production, storage, and distribution.

They specialize in electrolysis, a process that uses electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen, producing clean and renewable hydrogen.

By continuously improving the efficiency and scalability of their electrolyzer systems, Nel Hydrogen is making green hydrogen more accessible and economically viable.

One of the key strengths of Nel Hydrogen lies in its comprehensive portfolio of hydrogen solutions. They provide a range of products and services, including electrolyzers of different capacities, hydrogen fueling stations, and hydrogen energy solutions for industries and power plants.

By offering tailored solutions to meet diverse customer needs, Nel Hydrogen is enabling the widespread adoption of hydrogen as a clean energy source.

20. Bloom Energy: Transforming Energy with Clean Hydrogen Solutions

Bloom Energy is a prominent green hydrogen company that is revolutionizing the energy landscape with its cutting-edge technologies.

With a strong focus on sustainability and innovation, Bloom Energy is leading the way in the production and utilization of clean hydrogen.

At the heart of Bloom Energy’s green hydrogen solutions are its advanced electrolysis systems.

These systems employ renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to split water molecules and produce hydrogen without any greenhouse gas emissions. By utilizing renewable resources, Bloom Energy ensures that the hydrogen it produces is truly green and contributes to a low-carbon future.


The journey through the “Top 20 Green Hydrogen Companies of the World in 2023” has unveiled an extraordinary tapestry of innovation, collaboration, and unwavering commitment to a sustainable future.

These green hydrogen companies have emerged as trailblazers, paving the way for a clean energy revolution that transcends borders and industries.

With their visionary leadership, substantial investments, and cutting-edge technologies, these companies are redefining the energy landscape.

They have harnessed the power of green hydrogen, utilizing renewable resources and spearheading advancements that unlock its vast potential.

Their efforts extend beyond profitability, emphasizing the urgent need to address climate change, reduce carbon emissions, and foster a greener planet for generations to come.

The impact of these green hydrogen companies transcends their individual achievements.

Collectively, they are driving global change by decarbonizing industries, powering transportation with zero-emission solutions, and enabling energy access in remote communities.

Their dedication to research and development, strategic partnerships, and scalable infrastructure has set a new benchmark for sustainability and the clean energy transition.

As we conclude this exploration of the “Top 20 Green Hydrogen Companies of the World in 2023,” we witness the profound influence of these companies on shaping a more sustainable future.

Their unwavering commitment, technological advancements, and collaborative efforts are accelerating the adoption of green hydrogen, offering a beacon of hope in the fight against climate change.

With their continued dedication, we can envision a world powered by clean, renewable energy, where the potential of green hydrogen is fully realized, and a brighter future awaits us all.

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